We always look forward to this time of year! Gingerbread House Time! We love driving out to Santa’s workshop ( also known as the bakery), and picking up all the houses we have ordered.
Arriving at the bakery to see the large homes ready for pick up!
This year, being our third year, we had to do it in 2 trips and with 2 vehicles! The list keeps growing every year!
Some of the houses along the wall!
Close up of a few houses at the bakery!
More homes ready for pick up!
Joy the Baker helping us put the houses in the car!
Joy, our lovely baker, made beautiful homes , both big and small this year, for our clients and friends to enjoy!
Joy in her Santa's workshop working on 25 small houses for us!
Joy decorating the small houses we ordered!
This past weekend Tom and I began our annual pop bys. We packed up the car, drove to a coffee shop and got ourselves fancy coffees with seasonal flavours. (It is the only time of year we pick these coffees up.) We then turned on Christmas music in the car and drove around together delivering Gingerbread houses to clients and friends that we have done business with this past year!
About two thirds of the small & large houses waiting to be delivered!
Close up of some of the small houses!
It is always a delight to see everyone in their homes! Some showed us updates they have done, one family had a brand new baby for us to see and hold! Always exciting even when they are not at home. We then feel like elves! Fun! We got through about a third of them. We look forward to delivering the rest of them in the next couple of weeks!
Rosemarie & Tom ready to deliver the houses!
Season’s Greetings,
Rosemarie & Tom